"On Wednesday,November 10th 2021 the world did not lose just another Cop. It did not lose just another first responder. What this world lost, what this world was robbed of was a man who’s heart was embedded in his family. A man who’s love of his fellow man placed him in harms way for 22 years and a man who looked for every opportunity to serve. Lieutenant Chad Brackman was a man who’s faith guided him and showed through his actions. Though Chad was in a position of leadership,He was often shoulder to shoulder with the Deputies he oversaw. Lt Brackman’s most recent assignment was in the Lake Patrol division of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s office Chads love for Lake Patrol was as unique as the division itself. With the Lake Patrol divisions responsibilities spanning across Maricopa County, Chad never hesitated to drive to the other end of the county to help Deputies. Having never lost the meaning of what it means to be a Deputy Sheriff, Chad would often be right along side other Deputies doing whatever needed to be done. When the day was over and Chad took the badge off he went home to his family. Chad’s wife, Melissa supported his love of being a Deputy Sheriff. Melissa and Chad could often be found smiling when they were together simply for the fact they were together. Through all of his titles, being a Husband and Father is what he cherished the most. As a man who honored and revered the meaning of what family is, Chad would go to the ends of the earth for his children. Chad was a man that worked tirelessly to provide for his family. Due to his strong love and understanding of his faith in Jesus Christ, He knew his Family was what superseded all other responsibilities. Because Lieutenant Chad Brackman was the Man,Husband,Father,Son and Leader He was this world is better. Because he strived to be an example of Faith, Love, Hard work, courage, and bravery we all are better."